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Mark G. Boye DAY BY ORDINARY DAY WITH MARK, VOL. 1 A This series of reflections on the Gospel passages used in the Sunday and Daily Masses of the liturgical year is an attempt to join the studying and the praying of the Scriptures into the kind of biblical spirituality which has become the foundation for the Church’s proclamation and preaching of the good news during the 33 to 34 weeks of Ordinary Time. Volume 1, Weeks 1-9 of Ordinary Time, focuses on the Gospel of Mark; Volume 2, Weeks 10-21 of Ordinary Time, concentrates on the Gospel of Matthew; and Volume 3, Weeks 22-34 of Ordinary Time, is dedicated to the Gospel of Luke. Each book in this series is designed to be used by individuals for private study and prayer, and by homilists in the preparation of their sermons. The pattern followed includes: 1. A few short verses of Scripture taken from the Gospel of the day; 2. A reflection in the light of current biblical scholarship as it applies to one’s growth in faith; 3. A question that can serve as a springboard for private meditation; and 4. A prayer which pulls together the various strands of thought that have been covered and serves to summarize the theme of the Gospel passage under consideration. It is the author’s hope that through the use of this material the reader will come to a deeper knowledge of Jesus and a closer relationship with Him around whom all the seasons turn. 223 pages Price:
13.95 USD
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